Our Philosophy
Our philosophy is guided by “Belonging Being and Becoming”; the EYLF framework and the National Quality Framework. The United Nations Rights of the Child forms the foundations of our philosophy, our practise, our pedagogy and curriculum
In Relation to Our Families
Our service is a community, and all our families are the foundation. We provide families with support and treat them with respect as we establish and maintain trust, which is an essential characteristic to have. Our family’s opinions are valued, and we strive to support them. Our families are encouraged to participate within our community as much as they choose to do so. Trusting relationships and collaborative partnerships are developed and maintained with our families as we believe this is an integral part of creating a high-quality service.
We acknowledge our relationships with our families and community must be a secure bond as we know children are more likely to reach their full potential when parents, educators and management work closely together.
In Relation to Our Children
Our team believes children are inquisitive and capable learners who achieve success in their own way when they are collaborators in their learning.. We listen to our children and encourage each to own their opinion and respect their decisions as they pursue their own interests.
Children have the right to learn and to be educated and we will facilitate this open-ended play and child centred experiences. We believe all children should be given assistance to understand appreciate and respect social and cultural diversities within our community and our world. Ensuring all children receive equal opportunities regardless of socioeconomic background, ethnicity, gender identity or physical and emotional ability
Our children are held in high regard and respected as they act as researchers alongside the educators. Educators provide experiences that are meaningful to the child as they nurture, guide and are partners. . A child’s Knowledge is valued and built on as interests emerge.
In Relation to our Educators
Our Educators individual philosophy is acknowledged however our exceeding strength is the bond we share as a team.
In relation to our environment
We believe that our learning environment is the 3rd educators and our children, educators and families are actively engaged in our learning spaces and sustainability practices